I can’t tell you how many woman come in are scared of strength training.
In fact, I was just sitting with a woman the other day who is in her fifties and has been through a lot in her life. She’s quite a remarkable person. She’s overcome cancer and is an
inspiration all the way around.
She explained that because of the cancer treatment, she went into menopause early and gained extra fat around her belly. In fact, she grabbed it and said, “I want to get rid of this.”
She was convinced that she just had to move and sweat more to achieve her goal.
She was partly right. Movement is really important.
When I explained that strength training would be an important part of her reaching her goal, she gave me one of those head tilted eyes squinted confused kind of looks.
You see, she was worried that strength training would make her bulky. I tried to ease her concerns by explaining that she didn’t have the hormonal profile to build anywhere near “manly” muscle.
I went a little further by explaining that challenging her muscles a little more than they’re used to through resistance training is one of the best ways for her to burn fat and actually improve her femininity.
Check out this short video where I explain why strength training might be your most important “bucket” especially if fat loss is a goal.