I was at a birthday party recently for one of my daughter’s friends.
They had a blast playing in all of the little houses and then it was time to eat.
They brought out pizza and the dad of the birthday boy (a good friend of mine) said, “I want to see you eat a piece of pizza so I can take a pic of it and post on social media.”
He was completely joking but it got me thinking.
Maybe I should do that!
You see, for some reason people think that because I’m a fitness professional, I don’t indulge sometimes. I do. Here’s the pic I took shortly after.
Yesterday was Easter and I went way off the rails a bit.
I was talking to my teammate and rock star TBBC coach Kathy this morning and she expressed that she also “relaxed the rules” over the weekend.
You see, we’re not all that different from everyone else. We like to eat our favorite foods and struggle with eating/drinking in certain social situations.
Here’s the deal though. While I beat myself up for poor decisions sometimes, it’s really OK to relax the rules once in a while.
I have 3 little kids so we sometimes go out for pizza or ice cream.
I realized a long time ago it’s what we do most of the time that matters.
If you eat pizza and ice cream on a regular basis, your fitness goals will remain elusive.
But if you’re eating clean most of the week and then have a “treat” meal or 2, it’s not going to make a difference in the long-term.
Just don’t kid yourself and have a cheat or treat meal everyday!
I think there are some psychological benefits to the treat meals. They can help you stay on track the rest of the time.
For instance, if you know that you’re going to have a piece of pizza in a few days it’s much easier to avoid less supportive foods the rest of the time.
So go ahead and schedule a treat meal but make it your business to stay on track the rest of the time.