Summer is over and you’ve been working your butt off and doing a fantastic job. Have you been trying to lose weight, only to see minimal or even no changes at all? We all know there are no magic overnight methods. With some slight changes to your everyday diet and routine, you’ll be sure to get there.
Below are some common mistakes that you may not realize you’re committing.
1. Skipping breakfast– this may have an adverse effect on your metabolism. Instead of skipping breakfast, be sure to add in something filled with protein and some healthy fats and carbohydrates. For example; eggs, toast, Greek yogurt, or even a Protein shake/smoothie. Give your body the fuel it needs to get the day going.
2. Hydration – simply, you have not been hydrating as much as you think. You should be drinking anywhere from 9-13 8oz cups of water daily. Add even more on your heavy workout days.
3. A little snack here, a little snack there. Those little cheats really add up. You must do without those extra unnecessary calories in order to maintain the weight loss.
4. Alcohol. Just like stated above, unnecessary calories. Those summer drinks added up and the upcoming holiday drinks will to. Don’t let them! When you’re in weight loss mode, those cocktails will most definitely kill the weight loss.
5. Commitment. Your commitment isn’t where it should be. We all slip. It’s how you jump back into the game that counts.
6. Accountability. You’re not holding yourself accountable for all the little slip ups.
It’s all good. Keep plugging away. Normal routines are going to fall back into place. It’s all about what you do from this day forward that counts. You cannot change the past, but you can and will map out your future. One day at a time you/we can and will get back on track. See you at TBBC!!!
Steven Fleischer, TBBC Transformation Coach, NASM CPT, YES