Have you heard this concept before?
Basically, it says this. When someone dies, their birth year is engraved on their tomb as well as the year of their death. The only thing separating them is a dash.
That dash represents what they did between those years. This is what matters most.
I’m at a point where when I get together with people my age, much of the talk is centered around investments, houses, and cars.
While those things are all important and certainly have their place, none of them go with us after the dash.
I’ve spent more of my life than I like to admit being concerned with things that have no real lasting value.
It’s sad that many people don’t think about purpose or significance in their lives until their later years.
We don’t get to choose how life works for us (e.g. the rules of life and our circumstances) and we don’t even get to choose being born.
How cool would it be if people started thinking and acting on this truth much sooner?
People who are merely consumed with moving up the totem pole would do much better to live life with a different mindset – one in which they commit to see those around them rise up. People that do this right realize that the impact they make will outlive them.
The perfect example of this is children. I can’t think of too many better gifts to give the world than helping to create children who go on to do great things.
I’m realizing now that how my kids treat each other is much more important than a checking account balance.
Here’s to living a life of service and creating impact that goes beyond us!