I was recently listening to an interview with billionaire investor Ray Dalia.
It was refreshing because there was no bias. He didn’t paint a pretty picture regarding the economy. In fact, he compared it to the depression of the thirties.
He also had some things to say that were more positive. One he said booming economies are always preceded by downturns. It might take a while but this will no doubt lead to a strengthened economy.
He also said that there will be 2 types of groups or people. One time won’t adapt. They will try to keep doing the same things even though the world has changed and will suffer for it.
The other group will thrive. They will adapt, innovate, and use creativity to become much better. They’ll become something better that they wouldn’t have without the circumstances.
This reminds me of fitness as well.
We really have 2 choices. We can make excuses about why we can’t live a healthier lifestyle including some exercise and effective food choices. Or we can be resourceful and do what we can with what we have. That’s the key. It’s more about our attitude and how we choose to react than anything else.