It seems like we all know a person who is always positive. They seem to always look on the bright side, regardless of the situation.
I’ve been told by people that I always seem to be so positive. One guy told me that my positivity is “other worldly.” I took that as a high compliment.
One of the common traits of successful people, however you define that, is that they are optimistic. I’ve always been amazed how 2 people can go through an almost identical situation and have a completely different outlook. Let’s take a tragedy for example. One person goes through one and takes on a “victim mentality” for decades. Another considers it a defining moment and uses it to help others going through something similar and finds a deep sense of purpose through it.
One myth is that successful people don’t have to work at being optimistic or that they never get depressed or anxious. You see, anyone can become a more positive person. Positivity is like a muscle that can be trained and developed.
I’m going to share with you two ways you can train to become more positive. I challenge you to try them for 30 days. I’ve recently done both of these with some clients and the results have been incredible.
The first method is to look for the positive. We have to be intentional about this. Our default setting is to look for the negative. We can combat this by focusing on what’s good in our lives. Regardless of the difficult circumstances we face, we will find good if we look for it.
Action Step: Look for 3 things that are good in your life and write them down.
The second method is to get out of your comfort zone. You’ve probably heard the idea that success is right outside your comfort zone. Well, it’s true. In essence, we need to train to be uncomfortable. You may have heard something like, “You need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.” Many times, this is referring to something physical like taking a freezing cold shower or lifting heavy weight. While these things have value, I’m referring to being uncomfortable emotionally. Learn to live on the edge of your emotional comfort zone. Successful people are usually more likely to take a slight risk in their career or have a difficult conversation they know they need to have.
If you practice these 2 habits, looking for the good in your life and living on the edge of your emotional comfort zone, your life can dramatically change for the better over time.
Billy Hofacker – Owner & Transformation Coach at Total Body Boot Camp – BS, CSCS