I was talking with a client and she was telling me that she has been working out really hard and not quite losing the weight that she would like.
This was very disappointing. When we set out to reach a goal and work hard and don’t reach it, it can be disappointing. That’s OK and it’s normal.
I just want you to be careful that that the disappointment doesn’t turn into discouragement because discouragement is what can lead to depression. You certainly won’t be achieving your goal then.
I encouraged her to not let this get the best of her. I asked what can we do to become resourceful. What else can we do to get closer to the goal?
We need to be resilient. I don’t care if we have to go above it, below it, around it, or even through it. When we set our mind and commit to the goal we’re going to have problems. We’re going to have set backs but we are going to do whatever it takes to reach that goal.
I have so many examples of people who didn’t see weight come off right away and then saw dramatic results. They’re better for it!
I was telling someone else recently that most people are so focused on some end result. For example, they want to lose 2o pounds. There are 2 potential problems with this.
Problem number one is that they don’t enjoy the process. They might lose 18 pounds but still be disappointed.
The other problem is that they miss seeing one of the biggest benefits to working out. The act of the workout itself is the benefit. It’s hard for people to get this but each workout you do and each time you challenge yourself or get just a little out of your comfort zone you are growing.
Billy Hofacker – Owner & Transformation Coach at Total Body Boot Camp – BS, CSCS