Rather than me share with you today, I decided to have a guest writer give you some tips and inspiration. I asked John, one of our Rock Star Warriors to impart some wisdom for us today, whether it was a quote, an inspirational story, or something he’s learned through his journey.
There’s a reason why I asked John. He is absolutely crushing it and I know he’s learned a thing or two. Just a few months after training with us, I could barely recognize John. He was leaner, more confident, and looked years younger.
Here is a simple 4 step strategy for getting anything (almost) you want.
1.Decide what it is you want
2.Find someone who has accomplished it
3.Ask them to show you what they did
4.Follow the proven path
With that said, check out John’s response. I’ll chime in with some thoughts as well with my initials, BH.
I gave this some thought and surprisingly I could not come up with a single quote that I commonly use. At my firm we have a saying, “downtime is not an option” but I didn’t think that would apply. When I asked my daughter she replied, “Dad, you don’t walk around quoting people, you just talk”… And then she gave me a beautiful compliment, but I’ll keep that between Amanda and I, for now anyway.
So, this question has been running through the back of my mind, I came up empty all week until this morning, after our 7 am session.
BH: I love how John took this seriously and really wanted to provide some value.
This morning was fantastic. I woke up earlier than usual and the sun was shining; when I arrived at Babylon I saw that Sue had returned, it was great to see her.
We all muscled through the Deck of Cards workout; I was feeling great. Afterwards while discussing one of Bill Powers’ least favorite movies, I stepped on the scale and was quite pleased to see a weight of 186.5 lbs…
While 186.5 lbs, (can’t omit the .5) leaves me a few pounds short for the challenge, it represents the shedding of 25.5 lbs of weight since first walking through the doors in December 2016 where I tipped the scale at 212 lbs. 25 lbs was my magic number. My goal was 20 lbs, but as I continue to work out with TBBC, eat right, and stay active at home, work & play, I continue to get stronger, sleep better, feel great, and seem to have an enormous amount of energy and mental clarity each day. Thank You!
Before my profound quote, another quick story from this morning,
(you’re probably shaking your head by now…).
After having breakfast and getting ready for work, I went into my closet and grabbed a couple of my newer suits and headed off to see the tailor at the dry cleaners. He is a pleasant man. I told him that I needed my suits taken in. I explained my recent weight reduction, (remember we only lose weight if we want to find it again; we shed the weight when we don’t want to gain it back). I put my suit on and he said he could take them in and was I sure and then I smiled and laughed, “There’s no turning back”!
BH: John decided that he was going to respect his body enough to not gain the weight back. There is power in that decision. By altering his suits, he reinforced in his own mind that it wasn’t an option.
As I drove to work, I thought of my day so far, everything’s going well, then it hit me…
“There’s no turning back” eureka that’s my profound quote.
I don’t want the weight back, so I didn’t lose it, I got rid of the unwanted weight. I altered my suits because I will not put that weight back on.
I’m sure at some times my weight will go up some, but I will make sure it goes back to a normal and healthy weight. I will continue to exercise, be active, etc… There’s no turning back, I won’t go back to the old John, I like current John much better.
BH: He’s realistic that he’s not going to be perfect but it’s clear that he’s a new man!
Perhaps this was more verbose than you had expected. The inspiration, knowledge, and skills that you pass on to your members is greatly appreciated.
BH: Right back at you buddy!
See you soon!
John Hassler
BH: There’s tons of wisdom in John’s letter, perhaps more important than any diet plan or exercise routine. Don’t miss it or mistakenly write it off because of its simplicity. No need to over-complicate things.
This is one man’s story of losing 25 pounds and completely transforming his body and life. If John could do this in such a short time, what else could he achieve? What can you achieve if you approach things with the same intentionality?