I was having a conversation with one of our awesome Warriors recently when the topic turned to nutrition. It often does.
This woman is a rock star and has really toned up since she’s started with us.
Here’s a news flash.
She doesn’t starve herself!
There’s this sort of hidden rule in society that women should eat salads and men can eat the “Manwich.”
Well, this particular person doesn’t follow this plan. When she goes out to lunch, she eats. She doesn’t just pick. She eats and nourishes her body – And she’s real fit.
She was describing her concern for her friends though. When they go out to lunch, her friends barely eat. I mean one of them pulled out half a rice cake for lunch and they were together all day!
If you’re worried about eating lunch, I hope this newsletter will make you think twice.
There are many problems with this mindset. Here are just two.
First, you won’t be getting the nutrients your body needs. Let’s take protein for example. Without the right amount of quality protein, you will risk a negative impact on your metabolism. This means you will become good at storing body fat. Who wants that!
The other problem I’ll mention about starving yourself all day is that you will most likely over-indulge at night. Your body will start craving calories, the most calorie dense foods possible (think high fat and high carb meals).
So go ahead and enjoy your lunch. Savor the taste of great food and the company of people you love.
Billy Hofacker – Owner & Transformation Coach at Total Body Boot Camp – BS, CSCS